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The introduction of the protection system brought a brand-new message customization with a preview as well, which includes a reply on the same channel where the warning has been made, send to a different channel and send an additional direct message as a warning.


Reply option

When enabled will automatically reply to the user on the same chat


This option allow you to send the warning message in another channel instead of reply on the same channel, when enabled it will pop-up a select box below where you can select your channel.

Direct message

When enabled it will send an additional message on direct messages


Text formatting

Text formatting is available to use in every field. For example {user} will result in Waterball#0615, check out the full list

Message content

This is the content of the message that is outside of the embed and can be maximum length 2000, you can use markdown and mention role, channel and users on it just make sure to use the correct format.


All the below content will placed inside the embed

Icon Url

This is small icon placed at the top left of the embed


This is text placed next to the icon as text support

Name Url

If a Url is set when a user click on the name text he'll be redirected to this URL, please make sure that the URL is valid otherwise it will be skipped.


This is the title placed below the author field

Title Url

If a Url is set when a user click on the title text he'll be redirected to this URL, please make sure that the URL is valid otherwise it will be skipped.


The colour on the left of the embed


The description of the embed, reside inside of the body of the embed and can be max 2048 characters whitespaces count too.


By clicking Add field it will add one field on the embed, you can have a maximum of 24 fields, each field can have a title, description and you can choose if you want to be inline with another field that should have the inline option checked as well in order to work. Make sure to not add many fields because you may encounter in a maximum characters exceed error.


Image Url

This is the image displayed at the bottom of the embed, make sure it has a valid URL otherwise it will gets skipped

Thumbnail URL

This is the image displayed at the top right of the embed, make sure it has a valid URL otherwise it will gets skipped

This is small icon placed at the bottom left of the embed

This is text placed next to the icon as text support


This is the timestamp shown at the bottom next to the footer text


Always make sure that the embed overall length doesn't exceed 6000 characters, if your embed exceed then your message will just be ignored.