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In this guide we walk-through how-to create an image by using the April editor. below an example of an image made with the editor.

Editor preview

How to get to the editor

First of all you need to be logged, follow this guide to login on the dashboard, then you should be able to see the sidebar with your name, on the sidebar click on images button therefore you should be redirected to the images selection in here you can see all your images and eventually edit them on the editor



How to create a new image

To open the editor you'll be required to have an image and you can create an image by going here therefore you'll be able to see your image listed below and click on the EDIT button. While creating your image you'll be able too choose from some templates that will help you starting designing your image.


After you've clicked the CREATE NEW IMAGE you'll be able to create a new image but before you'll have to provide some basic information such as Title, Width and Height. Eventually you can use a template that will choose the Width and Height for you and have some elements already on the image so you don't have to start from scratch. To select a template you simply click on the image you want to use and if you want to see how it looks like just click on the eye icon on top-right corner of the image that appear when hovered.


Let's begin with the available tools on the editor, the first section in the editor is the top navigation bar, in here you can save your image and any changes made, change the image name, resize the image or get back to your previously page.

Editor navigation

Below are listed the tools that you can use on the top navigation bar, the navigation is almost the same on desktop and mobile, the only difference is that on mobile the text gets replaced by icon but they always have the same position

By clicking on the image button on the top navigation or on an image icon on mobile you'll see a panel popup in here you can change the title of the image Editor

By clicking on the resize button on the top navigation or on the resize icon on mobile you'll see a panel popup in here you can change the size of the image Editor

By clicking on the save image button you'll simply save all the changes made to the image, remember that is important that you save each time you make changes to an image or once you've finished editing your image Editor

The next tools available are the one on the left sidebar, those directly add elements or remove them from the canvas. Below are listed all the tabs available on the sidebar:

  • Elements or :material-plus: this tab contains dynamic made elements such as Discord avatar that will be replaced when the actual image is produced

  • SHAPES: this tab contains shapes, at the moment there aren't many shapes available but there will be more shapes available soon.

  • TEXT: this tab contains text elements that you can add on the canvas

  • BACKGROUND: this tab contains some default background that you can use in your image

  • UPLOADS: this tab contains all your image that you've uploaded on the platform

  • LAYERS: this tab contains the elements on the canvas

The next tool available on the editor is the configuration bar located on the right side or at the bottom on mobile devices that only appears once an element get selected. By default the configuration section will appear disabled but if you click on an element you'll be able to see what you can edit about the element by simply selecting it.



Each element on the canvas has different properties that can be changed you can click on an element and you'll see on the configuration bar the available parameter that you can change. All elements has in common some basic element such as position and opacity.

To learn more about the editor please follow the others specific post.